Council Agenda
The agenda for the coming Council meeting will be posted by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before the meeting date. Information presented to the Council in advance of the meeting will be posted under the "Council Packets" page.
Belle Plaine Community Center, 528 N. Merchant
Thursday, October 3, 2024; 7 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Mayor's Comments
6. Public Items
Any person wishing to speak should rise, be recognized by the Mayor, state your name and address and please limit your comments to fewer than three minutes. As a reminder, we will not discuss non-elected personnel nor will we discuss policies regarding non-elected personnel.
7. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda
8. Consent Items
A. Minutes for Council Meeting 09-19-24
B. Payroll Ordinance 10-03-24
C. Warrant Ordinance 09-30-24 and 10-03-24
9. New Business
New Computer for City Hall and Police Department
Freedom Claims Management Quote
10. Old Business
Ice Machine at Community Center
11. Purchase Order
12. Staff Information
13. Executive Session
Non-Elected Personnel
14. Adjournment
***The Agenda is subject to change without notice***